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v9.9 Release Notes (16-Apr-2024)

Limitation / Known Issue of This Version
Deployment / Upgrade
  • For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.
  • Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v9 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.

This release contains the major features listed below:

Key Features
  • Support for Dropbox for Business (ref: T-22989)
  • Support for Tibero Database Solution (ref: T-37413)
  • Support for Linux Bare-metal Backup (ref: T-37714)
  • Online File Restorer (ref: T-22039)
  • CBS - Add API for Restore Drill (ref: T-38006)
Administrative Management
  • CBS - Add Custom Option to change the time for sending the Administrator's Consolidated Report (ref: T-16752)
  • CBS - Change Ownership feature for backup users among System Admin/Sub-Admins (ref: T-18048)
  • CBS - Support "" SSL Certificate (ref: T-37799)
  • CBS - Support reload certificate without update connector when update certifcate (ref: T-38242)
  • CBS - Allow Input/Update Passwords for Backupsets (ref: T-38299)
Backup Destinations
  • CBS, OBC - Support configure Backblaze destination without selecting "All" in "Allow access to buckets" (ref: T-37682)
  • CBS - Custom Option to build Backup Client Installer for specific OS Platform (ref: T-17939)
  • CBS - Enhanced customization settings for QNAP OBM Installer (ref: T-38278)
General / Miscellaneous
  • CBS - Update download link for AhsayMobile in AhsayCBS > Download (ref: T-29722)
  • CBS - Support non-English Online Help (ref: T-29824)
  • CBS - Enhanced listing performance for Backup / Restore Summary Logs (ref: T-31971)
  • CBS - Reduced size of logs.db in AhsayCBS system folder (ref: T-36548)
  • CBS - Reduce duplicated "Userhome unavailable" system log in AhsayCBS (ref: T-37182)
  • CBS - Generate User Change Log for Recycle Bin settings change (ref: T-37302)
  • CBS - Add Duration column in AhsayCBS > Monitoring - Backup / Restore Logs (ref: T-38177)
  • CBS - Generate User Change Log for Deduplication settings change (ref: T-38234)
  • CBS - Add logging for Restore Error in AhsayCBS Monitoring - Backup / Restore Logs > Activities Log (ref: T-38255)
  • CBS - Set run retention as enabled when retention policy is enabled for the backupset (ref: T-38572)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - Microsoft365
  • CBS, OBC - Support Backup for Microsoft 365 History version files (ref: T-37542)
  • CBS, OBC - Remove MS Teams Protected API request form (ref: T-37949)
  • CBS, OBC - Optimize Restore UI Listing for Larger Index (~200GB) (ref: T-38385)
  • CBS, OBC - Add option to restore original file only from latest snapshot for M365 Backup (ref: T-38474)
  • CBS, OBC - Handle for Retirement of RBAC Application Impersonation (ref: T-38927, Microsoft Tech Community)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - Oracle Database
  • OBM - Remove the use of VSS in Oracle Database Backup (ref: T-28170)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - MariaDB/MySQL
  • OBM - Support restore multiple databases to an alternate location (ref: T-37527)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - VMware
  • OBM - Reduced system memory usage for Backup (ref: T-38887)
Windows System/System State/Bare-Metal Backup
  • CBS - Add Restore Wizard for Linux Bare Metal Restore in Download Page (ref: T-38072)
Synology / QNAP NAS
  • OBM - Support Auto Update for NAS OBM (ref: T-38560)
System Maintenance
  • CBS - Remove 'net-tools' requirement for AhsayCBS (ref: T-38721)
  • CBS - Add Recycle Bin settings in Backup Report > Backup Set Settings > Others (ref: T-37303)
  • CBS - Enhanced Security for 2FA implementation (ref: T-37407)
  • CBS, OBC - Security Patchset Q1/2024 (ref: T-38324, 38861, 39090)
Users Experience
  • CBS - Automatically create a folder if it does not exist in Temporary Directory path for Restore Drill (ref: T-38225)
Bug Fixes
  • CBS - returns incorrect value for NumOfErrorEntries (ref: T-38607)
  • MOB - AhsayMobile gets error "Registration Failed QR" when trying to register QR Code for Backup (ref: T-38434)
Backup Destinations
  • CBS - Restore drill for Backupset is stuck in Pending status for 6 days (ref: T-38495)
  • OBC - Backblaze destination data is not deleted after deleting Backupset (ref: T-37648)
  • CBS - Build option appeared in Custom CBS Installer even disabled branding feature (ref: T-37897)
General / Miscellaneous
  • CBS - System Error is displayed after auto update "The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file" (ref: T-35495)
  • CBS - Unable to delete multiple Backup users at once (ref: T-37770)
  • CBS - Completed Backup job is still running in Backupset tab (ref: T-38184)
  • CBS - Backup Error Log message are not in wrap within the box in Activities log (ref: T-38228)
  • CBS - OBR triggers client host limit exceeded error (ref: T-38463)
  • CBS - Deduplication block size was adjusted to 128k-512k after upgrading to (ref: T-38489)
  • CBS - License page gets error "Parameter OnetimePasscode is null/empty" when pressing [Update] with 2FA enabled SysUser (ref: T-38890)
  • CBS - License check flip flop between HTTP and HTTPS ports causing license error (ref: T-38921)
  • CBS - Meter License cannot update, getting "License key incorrect. Please try again." error due to incorrect Backupset in users.xml (ref: T-39062)
  • OBM - "CBS" is displayed instead of "AhsayCBS" when use as destination after upgrade from v6.29 to v9.7 (ref: T-38445)
  • OBM - Cannot change the ownership of the Backupset in Linux created before v9.7.2.0 (ref: T-38448)
  • OBM - Restore filter not work (ref: T-38491)
  • OBM - Unable to use mouse scroll in Backup Filter creation (ref: T-38627)
  • CBS, OBC - 2FA asking to be registered again on the clients after upgrade (ref: T-38419)
  • OBM - Scheduled Backup are not execute after restarting the client machine (ref: T-39134)
  • OBM - In Command-Line mode, User password being displayed if it exceeds to 19 characters (ref: T-39301)
CloudFile & File Backup/Restore
  • CBS - CloudFile Backup from OneDrive getting null error after account authentication (ref: T-39035)
  • OBM - Unresponsive UI when selecting checkbox for UNC Backup Source (ref: T-37367)
  • OBM - File Backup gets error " Failed to insert File Block" (ref: T-38078)
  • OBM - File Backup gets stuck (ref: T-38403, 38466, 38515)
  • OBM - File Backup gets error "unable to migrate index" (ref: T-38458)
  • OBM - File Backup data deleted from destination during DIC (ref: T-38545)
  • OBM - File Restore hits "Network Error" (ref: T-38929)
  • OBR - File Restore gets "Delta file is corrupt" error (ref: T-38470)
  • OBR - File Restore progress issue after session timeout (ref: T-38984)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - Hyper-V
  • OBM - OBM crashes during Restore to alternate location of Cluster Backupset (ref: T-37716)
  • OBM - Backup stuck in transferring the index to SFTP destination intermittently (ref: T-38131)
  • OBM - Backup to FTP destination gets error "java.lang.NullPointerException" (ref: T-38156)
  • OBM - Cluster Backup gets error "File cannot use SharedBlockOutputStream" (ref: T-38390)
  • OBM - Granular Restore error - "java.lang.nullPointerException" when accessing mounted drive (ref: T-38472)
  • OBM - Backup getserror %path% (The system cannot find the file specified) (ref: T-38590)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - MariaDB / MySQL
  • CBS - MariaDB Backupset type not visible in CBS console (ref: T-8505)
  • OBM - MySQL Backup gets error "Process Dump database brightled failed" (ref: T-38539)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - Microsoft Exchange
  • OBM - DAG Server Restore not completing and logging "Heap Size / Physical Memory" messages (ref: T-37741)
  • OBM - Mail-Level Backup gets error “java.lang.ClassCastException: com.ahsay.cloudbacko.gL cannot be cast to” (ref: T-38507)
Application Specific Backup/Restore - Microsoft365
  • CBS - Restore gets multiple incomplete zip files (ref: T-38075)
  • CBS - M365 Outlook and OneDrive Backup encounters "Fail to reload", "503 Service Unavailable" and "Read timed out" (ref: T-38589)
  • CBS - Files missing in Restore UI (ref: T-38608)
  • CBS - M365 Restore getting "No Backup jobs are found" error (ref: T-38953)
  • CBS - Restore Filter for keyword and date not working (ref: T-39131)
  • OBM - Restore getting error "Fail to get list info from %path%" (ref: T-38427)
  • OBM - M365 Restore hits error (ManagedMetadataLookup is not supported) when restoring Sharepoint to Alternate Site (ref: T-38616)
  • OBM - Restore error "Fail to deserialize List meta" is encountered during Restore to original or alternate site (ref: T-38637)
  • OBM - No Files in Microsoft Teams Hidden Channels are available for Restore (ref: T-39299)
  • CBS, OBC - M365 Backup Stuck at retrying Backup items (ref: T-39069)
Windows System/System State/Bare-Metal Backup
  • OBM - Windows System State Restored size is 0 Byte (ref: T-38719)
Synology / QNAP NAS
  • OBM - Can proceed to Restore even when there is no files selected (ref: T-37415)
  • OBM - "LOGIN_NAME" label is displayed in SynologyOBM Login UI (ref: T-37432)
  • OBM - Restore to location path that contains non-ASCII characters did not start (ref: T-38083)
  • OBM - SynologyOBM Restore error "[CloudFileSystem.attachDatabase] unsupported!" (ref: T-38548)
  • OBM - Synology Backup stuck at "Processing Job Current" due to out of system memory (ref: T-38732)
  • OBM - Restored Files size are 0 Byte (ref: T-39061)
Operating Systems
  • OBC - Scheduled Backup job fails to run in macOS (ref: T-38388)
  • CBS - Failed to send email reports due to error "Can't send command to SMTP host... Connection closed by remote host" (ref: T-26078)
  • CBS - Quota report does not send when both shared and user quota is set, only exceeded user quota limit (ref: T-38222)
  • CBS - Restore through OBR generates a blank Restore report (ref: T-8462)
  • CBS - Backup report not generated due to client log still uploading but Backup job marked as ended when running send Backup report routine job (ref: T-38693)
  • CBS - Replication started over after restarting CBS with data reuploaded to S3 (ref: T-38457)
  • CBS - Configuration and system files not being replicated (ref: T-39009)
Systems Maintenance
  • CBS - Restore drill job temp disk full due to not cleans up after report generation (ref: T-37826)
  • ACB - Failed to start AhsayACB service after installation (ref: T-38550)
  • OBM - Backup getting error "Failed to log start Backup, HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request" on Server with 64 core CPU (ref: T-38889)
  • OBM - Linux Installer removes all files in CWD (ref: T-39201)
  • CBS - AhsayCBS gets "Java heap space" error and became inaccessible (ref: T-39333)

Product Abbreviations:

  • AhsayACB - ACB
  • AhsayOBM - OBM
  • AhsayOBR - OBR
  • AhsayCBS - CBS
  • AhsayACB & AhsayOBM - OBC
  • AhsayMobile - MOB
  • Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS