Hardware & Software Compatbility List
- Factors affecting backup performance of AhsayACB / AhsayOBM
- How to run a Data Integrity Check for backup data stored in backup destination?
- Seedload Initial AhsayACB/AhsayOBM Backup (Windows/GUI)
- Seedload Initial AhsayACB/AhsayOBM Backup from Local Storage to Cloud
- Windows System State backup vs Windows System backup
- AhsayACB / AhsayOBM Hotfix Installation Guide
- Best Practices for Managing Encryption Key on AhsayACB and AhsayOBM
- Can you provide a copy of the Client (AhsayOBM/AhsayACB) installer?
- FAQs on Ahsay Backup Destination
- How do I move and AhsayACB/AhsayOBM installation on to another machine
- How to modify Java Heap Size on AhsayOBM / AhsayACB
- Reveal Backup Server URL Option in AhsayACB / AhsayOBM (GUI)
- Silent Install AhsayOBM/AhsayACB on Windows
- Troubleshooting backup problem with inaccessible network drive
- Where are the backup client application logs stored at?
- How to Install Latest AhsayACB/AhsayOBM Release
- How to backup Microsoft Windows System using AhsayACB?
- How to backup files with AhsayACB on Windows?
- How to backup files with AhsayACB on macOS?
- How to backup your Microsoft 365 data using AhsayACB?
- How to enable Restore Drill on Backup Set from AhsayACB?
- How to install AhsayACB on Windows?
- How to install AhsayACB on macOS v10.15 or above
- How to install AhsayACB on macOS?
- Optimize your file backups using filters
- Unlock 80% savings on cloud backup storage costs
- "An Invalid XML character" startup error in AhsayACB / AhsayOBM
- "Client version incompatible" error upon log in to a lower version client
- "Failed to initialize RemoteBDB.Cloud" Backup Errors
- "Failed to login to S3Compatible" error in CTYun Cloud File Backup
- "The current index version is not compatible with the supported version" in Backup / Restore
- "Unable to open index file" Backup Errors
- Backup Skipped due to another job still running
- Backup Source cannot include the location for storing the system backup (Microsoft Windows System Backup)
- Backup getting errors "Database disk image is malformed"
- Cannot open the client user interface due to corrupted user settings file
- Cannot open the client user interface with error failed to obtain IV from input stream
- Cannot use Volume Shadow Copy backup, backup this volume by using normal operation
- Crash on VMware Virtual Machine with VMware Tools pre-10.0.5
- Failed to access destination "GCS" Reason="[GCSManagher.getALLBuckets] Failed to list all bucket: Invalid argument."
- Failed to check integrity of destination
- Failed to save encrypted backupset encryption keys to server
- File Backup getting error on OneDrive Folder with Files On-Demand enabled
- Insertion failed because database is full (database or disk is full)
- Insufficient Disk Space Error During Backup in AhsayCBS
- Insufficient disk space available for temporary directory. Required free space at least: 100MB
- Java.io.IOException Failed to get latest remote backup job
- Microsoft 365 Backup Authentication Error
- Microsoft 365 backup getting "Mailbox move in progress. Try again later"
- Troubleshooting problem with Volume Shadow Copy
- Troubleshooting problem with missing scheduled backup
- Update Backupset settings for Microsoft 365 Accounts with Multi-Factor Authentication Enabled
- [SQLITE_CORRUPT] The database disk image is malformed (database disk image is malformed)
Release Notes
- v9.13.2 (06-Feb-2025)
- v9.13.0 (02-Dec-2024)
- v9.11.2 (12-Sep-2024)
- v9.11.0 (26-Aug-2024)
- v9.9.20 (29-Jul-2024)
- v9.9.16 (30-May-2024)
- v9.9.13 (13-May-2024)
- v9.9.6 (23-Apr-2024)
- v9.9.0 (16-Apr-2024)
- v9.7.2.20 (20-Dec-2023)
- v9.7.2.0 (07-Dec-2023)
- v9.7.0.0 (04-Sep-2023)
- v9.5.4.0 (20-Mar-2023)
- v9.5.2.0 (09-Jan-2023)
- v9.5.0.0 (09-Nov-2022)
- v9.3.2.0 (27-Jun-2022)
- v9.1.4.0 (06-May-2022)
- v9.1.2.0 (28-Feb-2022)
- v9.1.0.0 (25-Jan-2022)