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Access denied (cannot login to the AhsayCBS console via the host name)

Article ID
Product Version
AhsayCBS: 7 or above
Operating System
All platforms

Cannot login to the AhsayCBS console via the host name (e.g. The following error message is displayed when logging in:

"Access denied"

AhsayCBS Access Denied

However, logging in via the IP address works correctly.


This issue can occur if one of the Sub Admin accounts shares the same Host Name setting with the main system's Host Name setting.

For example, if "" is used for the system System Settings > Basic > General > Host > Host Name.

Ahsay CBS Hostname

And "" is used for a Sub Admin account System Settings > Basic > Administrative Access > Sub Admin > Profile > Host Name.

Sub Admin Profile


The Host Name setting of any Sub Admin account cannot be the same as the Admin (e.g. system) account.

To resolve the issue, modify the Host Name setting of the Sub Admin account:

  1. On the AhsayCBS server, login to the AhsayCBS console via the IP address.

    Localhost IP Address for AhsayCBS

  2. Select System Settings Basic.

    AhsayCBS System Settings in Subadmin Console